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GIZEM Rutilated Smokey Quartz (H)

RM 118.00
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GIZEM in Turkish means mystery beauty.

This collection of Rutilated Smokey Quartz pendant has caught many eyes. It is elegant and classy.

We feel truly connected to named this Rutilated Smokey Quartz collection with this beautiful name, GIZEM. During normal day light, these pieces look solid black. But, when we look deeper, there are stories behind each stone.

Rarity of Smokey Quartz
We can easily find Rutiles Quartz but not for Rutiles in Smokey Quartz, which makes them unique and treasurable collection.

 Healing energy
They are strong, protective stone which protect wearer from unforseen situation. They has healing properties from both Smokey Quartz and Mixed Rutiles.

Rutilated Smokey Quartz
- Very powerful metaphysical stone.
- Emits a high level of energy, yet it functions slowly and gently.
- Grounding energy
- Enhance ability to focus, and bring much needed clarity to any complicated situation.
- Used to facilitate the manifestation of one's dreams and goals.
- Enhance psychic abilities, clairvoyance, and telepathy.
- Amplifying energies and intention, and is therefore great for programming, meditation, and dream work.

27.6 X 19.3mm
Medium High Grade

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